Release: Fact Card Toolbox

17th February 2023

A new Fact Card Toolbox

What has changed?

We use Toolbox on the right-hand side to provide features that may not be required every day.

Welcome to the all-new Fact Card Toolbox! Clicking on the toggle icon to the right of each Fact Card opens up a helpful new Toolbox. Designed to help you capture and consume vital information about the relationships between your Fact Cards.

What does that mean for me?

You might want to check out our handy table below to understand how these relationships and connections work across different types of Fact Cards, but beyond that, keep doing what you're doing!

New Features and Enhancements

Toolbox Hints and Tips

  • The Relationships pane will remember the state of your toolbox as you navigate. If open or close, and your preferred tab.
  • The right side of each section will give the number of Fact Card relationships for this section.
  • Clicking on any of the toolbox buttons will open up a window where you can add and remove Fact Cards.
  • Clicking on a Fact Card will take you to that page.


Each relationship type now has a dedicated window for you to modify the relationships. Existing relationships are unchanged, but will provide further flexibility is coming soon!

Display Tab

Quickly access relevant Views or Insights related to this Fact Card in the Display Pane.

Notice anything you want to ask us about?

As always, if you want to report an issue or raise a question, please contact our team at

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