These are the most frequently asked questions by our customers. Reach out for anything you think is missing.

What is a Fact Card?

Fact Cards are the primary element within Colloquial. There are several types of Fact Cards in our meta-model consists of. We will explain how they are defined, how fact cards are structured, and how they relate to each other. You can think of a Fact Card as representing an architectural entity.

What Personal Data is Stored in Colloquial?

We minimise personal data. We only store your first name, last name, E-Mail address, encrypted password, the time of your last login, the used browser, whom you invited to a workspace and all changes you made in Colloquial.

How Can I Export My Data?

If you need a one-time extract of your Fact Cards - browse to Facts, and select the Fact Cards you wish to extract. You will see an Export button at the top of the table.

If you'd like to achieve a more comprehensive extract, reach out to support.

If you'd like to continuously backup, extract or transfer - ask us about our APIs.

Security Measures

Here is a list of the major measures we have implemented: 256-bit SSL encryption, continuous compliance monitoring on our journey to ISO27001 compliance, daily database back-up, database encryption of certain fields, and extended password hashing.

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